Opportunities for cooperation in Biotechnology between India and Spain in 2018
India-Spain Programme of Cooperation on Industrial Research & Development 2018.
The Center for Industrial Technological Development, E.P.E. (CDTI) and the Indian Biotechnology Department (DBT), within the framework of the bilateral program they have signed on the one hand, and as part of an internationalization strategy of the EUREKA program in which CDTI participates on the other, have launched a call for the presentation of proposals in biotechnology.
The purpose of the call is to stimulate joint R & D projects in the following areas: 1 One Health: Affordable and innovative solutions for prevention and control, diagnosis at the point of care and treatment of infectious and chronic diseases, to improve prevention, the results of treatment and the efficient use of health resources.
2 Food Biotechnology y Agri Biotech
- Food Biotechnology: técnicas y procesos que emplean organismos vivos o sus sustancias para producir o modificar un alimento, mejorar las plantas o animales de los que provienen, o desarrollar microorganismos que intervengan en su elaboración.
- Agri Biotech: investigación que impacta directamente en la resiliencia de los cultivos, ayuda a combatir enfermedades y aumenta el rendimiento, beneficiando tanto a la agricultura como al medio ambiente
Characteristics of the projects
The consortiums promoting the proposals submitted to this call must be composed of at least one partner in India (companies or research organizations) and a company in Spain (optionally it can be in collaboration with other companies or organizations). The national managing agencies are DBT and CDTI in Spain. The project must be oriented to the development or significant improvement of an innovative product, process or service with market perspectives. The proposal must be balanced between the parties and the results must be a benefit for them (no country should have more than 70% of the budget). The participants must sign a consortium agreement that specifies the rights and obligations of the parties regarding the development carried out and the possible intellectual property rights, exploitation and commercialization of the results.
Presentation deadlines
Deadline for submitting applications: October 1, 2018 (17.00 CET). Resolution of selected projects: December 2018 – January 2019. During this period, both the DBT, Indian partners, and CDTI, Spanish partners, will have to present the corresponding requests for the project in collaboration, complying with the requirements and documentation requested by each entity.
Procedure for submitting proposals
Applicants for “One Health”
The international consortium should send EUREKA(globalstars@eurekanetwork.org) the application form and, the Spanish consortium, must register (a single registry even if there is more than one Spanish entity) in CDTI the project application through the online project application application. In this application, in addition to the web form, they must include the signed application form and a draft consortium agreement. The financing of the projects in Spain will be done through the CDTI tool of International Technological Cooperation R & D Projects.
Applicants for “Food Biotechnology” and “Agri Biotech”
Spanish companies must submit their application to the CDTI, through the CDTI website (application for on-line projects) by submitting a project application India & Spain Innovating Program (ISIP). The documentation to be attached as part of the telematic application will be that of an India & Spain Innovating project (ISIP): Application Form DBT (in English) and Consortium Agreement (in English). Participants from India must make their application in DBT fulfilling the conditions of that organization http://dbtindia.nic.in The financing of the projects in Spain will be done through the CDTI tools for International Technological Cooperation R & D Projects.
Search for partners
Those entities interested in participating in the program that have an idea of a defined R & D project and need a partner, must complete the following form. CDTI helps the identification of partners through its network of contacts with agencies and counterpart organizations More information To obtain more information about the joint call or to manage the search for partners, you can contact the CDTI responsible for cooperation with India: Spain: Ricardo Rubianes; 915815607; ricardo.rubianes@cdti.es India: Adrián Gutiérrez; +91 11 4129 3000; india@cdti.es If you already have a specific proposal, we recommend that you contact the CDTI sector experts directly at 91 581 5502, dptosbcrn@cdti.es It is recommended that each member contact their agency before the beginning of September.
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